I've done more writing today than in any one day that I can recall. Three mammoth papers coming due either this week or next week and wrapping up the research and writing has been done in marathon writing sessions. Next week will be such a relief.
I love the feeling of completion. I get a lot of satisfaction from finishing what seemed like an impossible task just 17 weeks ago.
I enjoy the early parts of the process, when time seems plentiful and the research is exciting and entertaining. When deadlines approach, some of the fun is zapped from the process. For my screenplay, I have established some deadlines. My first deadline is to have a treatment done before the Fall semester starts in late August/early September 2010. Maybe it'll get done sooner, but I'm not going to force that deadline. The summer is already going to be packed. Instead of working, I'll be researching and writing my thesis and studying for comprehensive exams. I expect to graduate in December. Can I get the entire script drafted before school starts up in Fall? That's doubtful. If I put out that expectation, I'll stop enjoying the writing, the story development and the characters. I'm not doing that.
Years ago, I wrote a screenplay to enter in a contest. I had plenty of time, but the looming deadline toward the end did two things: it ensured I'd be "done" by a date certain but it also created a frenzy of writing, editing and revising that about drove me nuts. I was making copies at Kinko's and shopping for brads on the last day possible to get it mailed in time for the deadline. While the deadline got the project done, the joy in the process was lost.
This time around, I'm taking time to enjoy the process but I'm not going to be afraid to declare that process "done" when it is truly done.