If you've spent much time at all with the Twitter screenwriting community, you've come across @DerisiveDoll. If you've followed Doll's posts in the past few months then you know she's about to move 3000 miles across the country to re-start her life in Los Angeles and pursue the dream we all have of breaking into the business as a professional screenwriter.
We want to help get Doll's journey off to a great start by having a huge going away Twitter party so that our #Scriptchat community and #LoglineFriday faithful can spend some time offering support and best wishes to Doll before she hits the road.
- Date: Sunday, March 20, 2011
- Time: Immediately following U.S. #Scriptchat (6 p.m. Pacific, 8 p.m. Central and 9 p.m. Eastern)
- Virtual Party Location: Go to Tweetchat.com and enter the hashtag: #Drinks4Doll.
- Theme: Surf's Up! Relax in your favorite beachwear.
We have games planned and prizes to give away, so don't be late and don't be shy. Also, if you'd like to help us get Doll outrageously drunk during the party, please considering "buying" her a drink by clicking:
#Drinks4Doll and making PayPal donation. If you don't want to condone drinking, then think of it as a few dollars for gas or a latte. It doesn't have to be much and you don't have to donate to attend, just show up at
#Drinks4Doll and party with us.
See you next Sunday at
#Drinks4Doll and please help us spread the word on Twitter!
@TheWriteScript and @Tracinell