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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 1 -- Procrastination

Last summer I came up with an idea for a movie. No, I'm not going into details. I don't trust you. Not "you" a specific you, but "you" the aggregate of anyone and everyone who might come across this blog, or overhear a conversation I may have with someone about my idea...ok...forget that...I don't talk about it with just anyone because it's back to the point that I don't trust you or anyone else not to steal my idea and run off and make $25 million from it.

It's that good.

But that's not the point. The point I'm trying to make is that right now what I should be doing is writing. Not the script, but a paper for school and I'm really good at procrastinating, which is why I'm building a blog -- ok, it only took 10 minutes -- but you get the picture. The point is, I'm blogging instead of finishing up a research paper that's due in a week. Oh, yeah, lots of time. But that's only one of three projects coming due in a week, followed by a final exam the week after.

Grad school. Seemed like a good idea two years ago. But it's coming to an end soon enough. In the meantime, in that spare time between papers, reading, research, a thesis and comprehensive exams, I have this screenplay to churn out. Research has gone well. Character development has been slow. Plot points are coming along. A few scenes sketched progress there. I had a huge conceptual problem that was resolved with a scientific (re)discovery earlier this year, so I should be able now to progress without anything more than the usual bumps in the road.

Final Draft 8 has been ordered and it should be here by the time I finish the last paper and take the last exam for this semester. I'm tired of freeware. I had a free template for the last script I wrote (2000) that worked in Word, but it's no longer available. I'm ready for something more robust, more serious. Yeah, I know, it has its problems...

This is a start. I'll keep filling in the blanks as I go.

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