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Saturday, July 28, 2012

The List: Recommended Screenwriting Books

Because I write screenplays and TV scripts, I am often asked for book recommendations.  Everyone has their favorites, I have mine.  Writers ask other writers for their suggestions because we're all afraid we might be missing out on a great read; one that will give us that golden nugget of information that sparks something inside of us and makes the difference between an outstanding script and an average one.

My list of screenwriting books is a bibliography of works that are basic books all writers of any skill and experience level can benefit from reading.  I also maintain a separate list of TV writing books that focus on the completely different style, and business, of script writing unique to television.  If you want to know how to write movies or how to write a TV show, you'll find the best reference material on these two lists.

Additionally, since quite a few of the screenwriters I know also write in other styles, I have a reference list of novel writing books and a list of journalism reference books.

Each one of these books has helped elevate my writing.  Some of them are invaluable for the insights on the screenwriting business.  Others will be useful for formatting questions or other mechanics of writing scripts.


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